Thursday, February 27, 2020

Domestic Violence Laws Need to Be Stronger

Domestic violence is rampant and sadly the laws are too slack to actually protect most if not all of the victims/survivors.
There needs to be more support for the victims/survivors and harsher laws for the abusers in DV situations.

If you are in a situation of DV please get our asap don't keep staying in that relationship.

As a survivor of DV myself, I know how scary it can be in the relationship and how scary it can be trying to get out of it alive, I almost didn't make it out alive in 2002 and he even said my children might not have lived meaning if I hadn't gotten away. (He was their step dad.)
If you are a victim or survivor of DV and you need someone to talk to please feel free to message me as a part of your support system whether your a female or a male victim/survivor. I'm not a licensed counsel, but I did live in those types of relationships from 1979 at a 18 years old until 2007 when I got out of those types of relationships. Therefore I know the hardships, the emotions it can cause and the pain.